Welcome! Gorgeous Goddess

Are you ready to go on a journey of practicing for writing that feels fun & inspiring? This work book is designed to let you improve the use of language in writing by learning from your favourite authors…

It is a really simple workbook but it will encourage you to practice again and again without distractions.

I am a believer of simplicity. It is sharp and fierce. And hugely Powerful…

If you ever want to improve your use of language in writing, whether it is to learn to write a fighting scene or conversation. You are in the right place.

Please note this workbook doesn't help with plotting skills.

What is included in this workbook?

  1. A space to write down some quotes to motivate yourself

  2. A list of your favourite writers or novels

  3. Pick a chapter and write a detailed chapter summary

  4. A space to rewrite the chapter yourself using only the chapter summary

  5. Compare and reflect

    Repeat step 3-5 for as many times as you want!

In short, this workbook is about rewriting chapters from your favourite novels and comparing and reflecting using the original story. It is for anyone who wants to improve their writing.


Project by Project Workbook